Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mundane Act (Blog 2)

Crack!! Everyone turns to look at me. I think to myself, "Dammit, that was louder than I anticipated." I pretend to be working really hard on my computer and avoid any eye contact. I wait, give or take thirty seconds, then I begin to indulge myself with a hefty swig of ice cold Coca-Cola. Hindsight being twenty-twenty, I probably shouldn't have cracked open a cold one in the middle of the library, but the deed has been done. After my first gulp I set my can down and begin to work on my paper. I keep getting this urge to drink the Coke. Its like it is watching me. Staring me down saying, "Darren just one sip can't hurt." I look back at the can in desperation as if to say, "Please, just one more paragraph." But then it does the most irresistable thing possible. It starts to let little beads on condensation down its side. This is a view straight from a Coke commercial. My foot begins to tap. It's like I have a nervous tick or something. My entire body is dying for the sweet bitter goodness that lies in the bright red can sitting next to me. Finally, smash!, I slam my computer shut! (which forces everyone once again to glare at me) and I grab the can, crinkling it a little bit, and slowly begin to sip every last drop of my can of Coca-Cola.

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